Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Truly Great Feedback from Teachers

So we're off to a better start on the ground than we could possibly have imagined.

Experience has taught me that it's one thing to create a new product, it's quite another for it to work straight away. But that's what is happening with our Times Table Plates.

I've uploaded some of the feedback onto theMultiples website but the surprise has been that teachers want to use the plates in the classroom environment.

We said that Social Learning would work and is a key part of how people will learn in the future: Times Table Plates prove the point.

People just start chatting about numbers when they get the plates. Naturally. With each other. Just bring them into your dining room, canteen or kitchen and you'll see it happening.

I think that's why teachers want them in the classroom. Plates are very familiar to children - even more familiar than books! So children concentrate on what's on the plate, start asking questions and using the plate themselves.

And because it's a dinner plate, the chat and natural curiosity starts again every day, over lunch or supper; naturally. There aren't many resources with such in-built reinforcement and pulling power.

The challenge now is to spread the word to as many schools as possible, as quickly as possible.

If you have any ideas how you can help - just drop me a line!

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